Ipl (Intense Pulsed Light) And Laser Hair Removal Pre- And Post-treatment Guidelines
Ipl (Intense Pulsed Light) And Laser Hair Removal Pre- And Post-treatment Guidelines


  • Avoid direct sun exposure for four to six weeks prior to treatment.
  • Do not apply self-tanners or spray tans for four weeks prior to treatment.
  • Please arrive without makeup for treatment to your face.  For hair removal please refrain from using deodorant, lotions, or fragrances to the area being treated.
  • Discontinue use of retinol-containing products and glycolic acids 5 days prior to treatment.
  • If you have a history of cold sores please notify your provider as a prophylactic medication may be prescribed to prevent an outbreak.
  • For hair removal, the treatment area should be shaved on the evening prior to your appointment.  Please do not pluck, wax, or use depilatory creams for 6-8 weeks prior to beginning treatments.


  • A feeling of warmth to treatment area may be experienced, and in some cases, swelling may occur for up to 24-48 hours.  
  • If you have had a photofacial treatment, the gradual darkening of pigmentation will occur.  These areas will look worse before they look better.  Patients are advised not to rub, pick, or scrub the area away. This is part of the healing process and should start to slough off in three to four days.
  • Daily use of SPF (minimum 30) with frequent reapplication is necessary for the health of your skin and to protect your investment. Direct sunlight should be avoided for four weeks post-treatment.
  • Resume retinol and regular skin regimen in 5-7 days.
  • For hair removal, hair will continue to grow from follicle for up to 14 days post treatment.  Please continue to only shave as means of hair removal.  
  • IPL and Laser Hair Reduction should be scheduled every four to six weeks until skin goals are achieved.