Alma TED Hair Restoration Instructions

What to expect:
- TED treatments should be scheduled 4 weeks apart for 3 consecutive months. You must allow a full four weeks after your third treatment to evaluate results, a recommended maintenance program will be determined at this time.
- The goal of these treatments is to decreased shedding and encourage regrowth of treated areas.
- Please note that results vary.
- Arrive to the office with clean, dry hair.
- Do not apply hair products to the scalp or hair on day of treatment.
- Hearing aids should be removed prior to treatment taking place.
- Please let your provider know if you have a pacemaker or metal implants in the head or body.
Post-Treatment & Follow-Up:
- Do not wash hair or apply hair products for 24 hours following treatment.
- Avoid touching and itching treatment area for 24 hours following treatment.
- Hair should not be colored until 24 hours after treatment.
- Keep all scheduled treatment and follow-up appointments.
Please contact our office with any questions at 603-580-5296 or Email: