Cosmetic Treatments That Can Help With Double Chins


​​When patients seek treatment for removing unwanted chin fat, they often think that their only options are liposuction or surgery. However, CoolSculpting and Kybella are non-invasive treatments that can help patients who struggle with a double chin.

CoolSculpting Vs. Kybella

CoolSculpting (cryolipolysis) works by targeting the fat cells in a specific area and freezing them so that they’re absorbed by the body. Kybella is comprised of deoxycholic acids that are injected into the chin to break down fat cells. Both treatments can be used to help reduce the appearance of a double chin.

CoolSculpting Application Process

CoolSculpting can treat central and lateral areas of the neck and is a good option for patients with fuller necks. Each treatment typically lasts for about 45 minutes. CoolSculpting freezes fat cells by using cooling plates and suction. Patients may experience some sensitivity and a bit of pressure during the procedure. The treatment area may exhibit numbness that can persist for up to two weeks post-treatment. Many patients report seeing results after about four weeks.

What to Expect With Kybella

Receiving a Kybella injection is a relatively painless procedure that takes approximately 15 minutes. The number of injections and the time it takes will depend on the amount of chin fat that is being targeted. Patients can expect to have swelling around the chin for up to a week after treatment. Typically, the results from Kybella become apparent after six to eight weeks and can continue to improve for up to three months.

Good Candidates for Treatment

Medical providers often discuss how much chin fat the patient would like to remove before deciding on a treatment option. CoolSculpting and Kybella are intended for patients who are in good overall health but struggle with fat below their chins due to genetic factors. Kybella is typically used only for chin fat, but CoolSculpting can help patients with trouble areas on other parts of their bodies.

If you would like to reduce the appearance of chin fat, the licensed professionals at About Face Medical Aesthetics, PLLC can recommend the treatment that’s best suited for you. Our face and body contouring services can also help with stubborn pockets of fat in areas other than the chin. To schedule a consultation with our staff, call 603-821-9540 or contact us online.