An Introduction to Laser Resurfacing & What It Can Treat


Improvements in dermatological and cosmetic technology have generated safer and more-sophisticated ways to obtain youthful skin. One such improvement is laser skin resurfacing, which can reduce wrinkles, age spots, and other blemishes, while simultaneously tightening skin and balancing tone. Here’s what to know about laser resurfacing before scheduling an appointment.

How Laser Resurfacing Works 

Laser resurfacing is a skin renewal procedure that typically uses intense pulsed light (IPL) or Sublative Rejuvenation to stimulate collagen and elastin production and give the skin a refresh. IPL, also known as Skin Rejuvenation Advanced (SRA), uses a powerful light source to penetrate deep into multiple layers of skin to stimulate skin rejuvenation. The Sublative Rejuvenation laser, on the other hand, uses radiofrequency energy to deliver targeted results to the treated areas while leaving the surrounding tissue untouched to aid in the healing process.

 Preparing for Laser Treatment

As with any dermatological treatment, laser skin resurfacing should begin with a consultation with a trained professional. During the consultation, the provider can determine whether the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. In the week leading up to the appointment, patients should avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil or Motrin and avoid caffeine for 24 hours leading up to the treatment. Patients should also avoid smoking, as it can prolong the healing process.

Discomfort with Treatment

Like other facial or body treatments, patients may experience some discomfort when receiving laser resurfacing and IPL photofacial treatments. It is often compared to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against the skin, but the amount of discomfort can vary depending on the area and depth of treatment. Some patients have also compared it to a tingling sensation. After the procedure, patients may have some continued tenderness, as well. 

Timing of Laser Resurfacing 

Many do not realize that the timing of a laser resurfacing treatment is just as important as finding the right practitioner. Timing matters because laser-treated skin can have increased sensitivity to sun exposure for up to 12 months after a procedure. To counter this symptom, many providers recommend having the procedure in autumn, as patients tend to spend more time indoors during the autumn and winter. Patients should also protect their resurfaced skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Using a quality sunscreen every day can also prevent signs of aging and risks of skin cancer.

The right laser treatment can help patients achieve a youthful glow by reducing the appearance of fine lines and discolorations. For more information about the procedure or our current offers , give About Face Medical Aesthetics a call or request a consultation at 603-821-9540 today!